Funding Opportunities

Forms Attachment 1B: Budget Forms Narrative Attachment 2: Contract Deliverables Attachment 3: Past Performance Questionnaire Attachment 4: Anti-Harassment Policy Recording of Bidder’s Conference for Janitorial Services RFP (April 2023) Bidder’s…


…Report-Developing a Community Partnership for the Homeless-to the D.C. Homeless Coordinating Council, establishing the need and mission for the Community Partnership. DECEMBER 1989 The Community Partnership for the Prevention of…

Full TCP History

November 1989 McKinsey & Company issues its Final Report-Developing a Community Partnership for the Homeless-to the D.C. Homeless Coordinating Council, establishing the need and mission for the Community Partnership. December…

Privacy Policy

…records, or electronic communication of any kind (including, but not limited to, personal information or private electronic communication transmitted on the Site): (i) to satisfy any law, regulation, or government…

Homeless Services Reform Act (HSRA)

DHS Contracts The Homeless Services Reform Act (HSRA) D.C. Law Library – Chapter 7A. Services for Homeless Individuals and Families. ( The Continuum of Care (CoC) Regulations Notice of…

Federal Reporting Resources

Data Quality Guide 2020 Federal Reporting Season Launch Presentation Return to HMIS Resource Library…

The Weekly Occupancy Report

Weekly Occupancy User Guide Intended Audience: Agency Staff completing the Weekly Occupancy Report Contains: How to complete the form Common Data Entry Error affecting the report (and how to fix…